Keeping your computer secure helps you avoid malware and direct hacking attempts designed to steal your personal information.

Require a login password

Require a login password important step for securing your computer and preventing other people from accessing your files without permission is to require a login password. Make sure to create a complex password.

Encrypt your hard drive

Protecting your laptop with a password is not enough to prevent an attacker from accessing your files. If your laptop is stolen or the attacker has a lot of time, they can remove the hard drive and read the files directly. To prevent this and to protect your data from physical attacks, encrypt your laptop’s hard drive.

Backup your data

From ransomware attacks to stolen laptops, backing up your data is essential to ensuring you will not lose what you hold dear. You can go with either a local backup or a cloud backup.

Keep your system and software up-to-date

The best way to keep your laptop malware-free is to not download random things and to keep your software up to date. Modern browsers such as Chrome and Firefox have auto-update enabled by default, but you still need to restart them from time to time. Make sure to turn on auto-update for your operating system and apps to benefits from the latest security patches.

Additional computer security

Add a privacy screen. Shoulder surfing attacks are more common than you would think. Humans are curious by nature and will naturally glance at your screen whether you’re at a coffee shop, the library, or on a plane. To prevent shoulder surfing attacks and increase your privacy, add a privacy screen that limits the viewing angles.

The only bulletproof option to cover your computer camera is to add a physical cover on top of the camera that you can remove as necessary.

To protect your privacy while using public Wi-Fi and prevent your internet provider from tracking your browser history, use a VPN service (virtual private network). The VPN encrypts the traffic between you and the VPN server, making it impossible for people on the same network to track what you are doing.